Kelly Osbourne slams Taylor Swift
For some reason Kelly Osbourne is trying to start a feud with Taylor Swift. Kelly, Taylor shits out more success in a morning than you’ll ever achieve in your life on your own. Just stop it. From Star:
Star caught Kelly going on an off-camera tirade about the pop star. “She only dates people for press and is so hungry for attention.” In 2011, Kelly slammed her for her supposed false modesty. “My biggest pet peeve about Taylor…is that she walks on stage in front of 25,000 people…and she still goes, ‘Me? You’re here for me?’ Of course, you’re Taylor Swift, get over it!” If Taylor runs out of mean boyfriends to sing about, she can always count on Kelly for inspiration! (Print Edition – 7/14)
Yeah, that Kelly Osbourne thinks that Taylor Swift just wants attention. At some point, someone in Kelly’s entourage might want to let her know that had her name been anything but OSBOURNE, she’d be just another fugly chick with an appetite. Seriously, where does Kelly’s confidence come from? Taylor Swift is goddam hot, one of music’s biggest stars, can hold her own on TV, and she’s not an asshole — unlike Drag Queen Osbourne over there. Kelly, at your core you’re just a reality star with a famous last name, so you and Kanye should hold your little Taylor-hating meetings behind closed doors and away from anyone with eyes and ears . . . or noses.